星期五, 十月 20, 2006



花 了两天的空白时间,终于读了一半。后一半不读也罢,因为大部分是讲中国妇女,少部分是讲中国知识分子。中国的妇女,我相信,至少在这网上的女性,是不同意 这种小妾制度的,更不用提过去的中国妇女,也是出于无法独立的无奈,才在避免更大的伤害时,两害中取其轻的选择。作者对小妾制的辩护:In other words, it is the selflessness in the wife in China which enables, permits the husband to take a concubine without hurting the wife.

说 实话,这是篇大作,不愧是国学大师。我现在有点理解为什么他的观点可以被接受了。他用现代语言解释了中国的过去的帝制(原来他是许多观点的祖师爷啊)。我 如今还佩服他的是,他能说出“同情的力量”,特别是这段话(斜体字部分是原文就有的,我用了加重):“What impelled those true men of science in Europe and what made them succeed in their work for the advancement of science, was because they felt in their souls the need of understanding the awful mystery of the wonderful universe in which we live. Thus mankind, I say, feel the need of religion for the same reason that they feel the need of science, art and philosophy; and the reason is because man is a being who has a soul, and because the soul in him, which looks into the past and future as well as the present -- not like animals which live only in the present -- feels the need of understanding the mystery of this universe in which they live. ”


可 是他忽略了的是,中国以前是皇帝制,良民--皇帝的关系,就是孔夫子描述的。在经过了革命,推翻帝制后,如今已经不存在了,良民--皇帝的关系,无法等同 于现代公民--民主的体制。中国在过去,已经选择抛弃了这种不合理的封建帝制,中国人那种“难以言表的温良”,内外已经并不一致,更重要的是,我个人相 信,中国人自己,在温良--独裁(帝制),和公民--民主的体制选择中,一定是对后者的选择。

辜鸿铭对中国人的精神的描述,特别是提出 “同情的力量”(让我想起“不需要同情”的那个争论,从同情是力量,到不需要同情,世道在变啊),对秩序,道德的重要,对中国式“文明”的阐述,在他的那 个时代,确实是了不起。他至少让外国人一定程度的了解了中国人的特点。可惜中国人自己没有,也无法继承这些。而如今,既然“feel in our souls”需要一个能提出解释人类起始,今天发展,将来可能结局的宗教,你还能回到过去,选择曾抛弃的那种纯“心景(mood)”来替代吗?

辜 鸿铭矛盾的地方,就是把西方的宗教“工具化”,由此和中国的孔子的伦理比较。他忘了自己说的:Men like the present progressive Chinamen, who take up the study of science, because they want railways and aeroplanes, will never get science. 同样,Men like the present progressive Chinamen, who take up the study of RELIGION, because they want order and obey, will never get RELIGION.

辜鸿铭如 果活在今天,或许他会很赞成中国人“真善忍”三个字,因为它几乎等同他说的中国人的“童真”,“道德”,“温良”这种心景--中国人的精神:The Spirit of the Chinese People, I want to tell you, is a state of mind, a temper of the soul, which you cannot learn as you learn shorthand or Esperanto -- in short, a mood, or in the words of the poet, a serene and blessed mood.




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